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The ideal additional second layer for the Playpen square Fun 100x100cm allows place the mattress on the higher level. Provides easy access to your newborn and safely care for the child. It allows for a safe and comfortable sleep for the newborn and makes it easier to lay your baby down to sleep. Designed from durable and easy to wash material of the highest quality. The whole is packaged in a light and handy bag that facilitate transport.
Internal Dimensions: length 94xm x width94cm Depth 30cmThe ideal additional second layer for the Playpen square Fun 100x100cm allows place the mattress on the higher level. Provides easy access to your newborn and safely care for the child. It allows for a safe and comfortable sleep for the newborn and makes it easier to lay your baby down to sleep. Designed from durable and easy to wash material of the highest quality. The whole is packaged in a light and handy bag that facilitate transport.
Internal Dimensions: length 94xm x width94cm Depth 30cm